How Do I Check My JSU Email?

Click Here For Email Instructions

How Do I Log Into CANVAS?

An accordion content area

How/When Should I Get Help In CANVAS?

Canvas Help
For Course Assistance, please contact your instructor.

Examples of instances where the instructor should be contacted include

You receive a message that the course has no content or the course is not available.
You submitted an incorrect attachment, had trouble submitting a test/assignment, have been locked out of the course, or other issues pertaining to course activities.
Technical issues with your computer, flash drive, web cam, etc. which have interfered with the completion of course assignments.
The learning management system (Canvas) is down and you have an assignment or test due during the outage. (Note: The instructor will be notified of the outage and will determine if and how to adjust submission dates). For Technical Assistance with Canvas, no action is necessary. The University’s Canvas Administrator will email and/or post notices about Canvas maintenance and other matters that will prevent access to the learning management system. Maintenance being performed by the Canvas company and other outages (power or inclement weather) are beyond our control. When the system is operable, the administrator will inform faculty via email and/or post notices for students in Canvas.

What Are The Minimum Computer Requirements for an Online Student?

COMPUTER: Windows Based or Apple Macintosh machines: i3 processer, 4GB Memory, 32bit OS, 120 GB hard drive, monitor, a sound card, speakers, camera, and mic

OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10 or Apple Macintosh: Mac High Sienna 10.13 or higher.

WEB Browser: Chrome