All users must have a Network Identifier (NetID) to log into Canvas. The NetID is used to access Canvas, the Xerox Copiers, Online Library Resources, and Computer Labs. To obtain a NetID, log into JSU PAWS and select Activate NetID, Change NetID Password (twice).  Your password must follow one of the criteria listed on the screen.  Once successfully created your username is your JNumber and your password will be the password you created.

NetID Instructions
A NetID is required to access Canvas and other university computer labs. (Please choose a NetID that you will remember and that will not be easily hacked.) You cannot proceed until this step has been completed.

Step 1. From the JSU Home Page login to JSU P.A.W.S.

Step 2. After you login, from the Main Menu choose Activate NetID, Change NetID Password.

Step 3. Create and confirm a new password that is at least seven (7) characters long and similar to one of the following examples:

**Note: Your password must include a combination of letters and numbers. It must include at least one capital letter or symbol (for example, &, * @, #). Please Do Not Use the example given above as  an actual password.

To log into Canvas click here