Office 365 Information

Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 is available for FREE to faculty, staff, & students.

Microsoft Office 365 does not have an operating system requirement. However, because it is cloud based, it requires a modern browser.

The current version of the following web browsers is recommended:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari

NOTE: According to Microsoft, “Windows XP leaves extended support on April 8, 2014. Although Office 365 will not block users from connecting to the service from Windows XP devices after this date, you should expect the user experience to diminish over time. Users with low-memory devices running Windows XP and Internet Explorer 8 will have a substantially diminished browser experience with Office 365.”

Office 365 Suite can be accessed via the cloud or can be downloaded up to 5 times on your personal PC, Mac, or mobile devices.

How do I sign into Microsoft Office 365 (Faculty/Staff)

  1. Go to
  2. Userrname:  Enter your JSU email address ( or
  3. Password: Enter Your NetID Password
  4. Click “Sign In”


How do I sign into Microsoft Office 365 (Students)

  1. Go to
  2. Username: Enter Your JSU Student Email:
  3. Password: Enter Your NetID Password
    Note: You will be prompted to change your password
  4. Click “Sign In”


To reset Microsoft Office 365 password

  1. Click “Forgot my password”
  2. Type in your User ID
  3. Enter the characters in the picture provided
  4. Click “Next”
  5. Click “ Contact your Administrator”
  6. Your password will be sent to your JSU email address.


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